Thursday 2 September 2021

Five Winning

Do you dream about starting a business, but don't know where to begin? Does the idea of being your own boss and creating a company that provides great products and services excite you? But all you do is dream, unable to move ahead? You're not alone. Many women feel this way. More than twenty-five years ago, I launched my own company, a public relations agency that is still thriving today. I've also had the privilege of mentoring many other women entrepreneurs. I've seen what works and what prevents women from moving ahead. Below are five step-by-step strategies that can help you launch the business of your dreams. 1. Commit to one business You must commit to one business. The biggest roadblock to being an entrepreneur is fear of choosing one business and going for it. You can't get an enterprise off the ground, if you spread yourself thin. Over and over again throughout the years, I've met women who have the passion to become entrepreneurs, but they keep spinning in circles, never committing to one business. Look at it this way, once you succeed at building your first company, you can always start another one. Remember, too, that it's important to choose a business that you are passionate about. This is not about the latest fad or fashion. It's about making a commitment to something that will absorb large amounts of your time - and possibly quite a bit of money. So choose wisely. If you want to start an online business, then commit to it. If you want to open a retail store, then go for it. If you want to be a contractor, then move ahead. But don't hang yourself up by wanting to do all three things at once. Make a choice and commit. 2. Research that business Today, it's easier than ever to learn about any business in the world. For the fastest results, look online. Google the type of business you want to start. Find out about professional organizations in the field. Read blogs and bulletin boards by people doing similar things. Learn about sources of help. Read industry articles and buy the magazines or books that can teach you more. Participate in teleseminars. You also need to reach out to business people and others who may be able to help you. You can do this through networking at local events, seminars, business groups, and online through social networks. Make sure you understand the business that you want to start. The more you know about it, the greater your chance for success. 3. Create a business blueprint Don't worry about writing a formal business plan at first. Business plans are essential if you want to raise money through venture capital or obtain a commercial loan from a bank or other source. Most people start businesses with their own funds or a personal loan. joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming joker123-gaming What you actually need is a three to four-page business blueprint that serves as your personal guide to navigating the road ahead. Here's what goes into a business blueprint: a. A clear description of what the business does and who it serves. b. A description of how the business will run on a day-to-day basis. c. A list of your specific responsibilities as the business owner. d. A list of what other people will do. e. An estimate of what it will cost to run the business for the first year. f. An estimate of how you will cover these first-year expenses, either through sales or from some other source. Once you create a written picture of how the business will function, you'll be able to move ahead to the next step. 4. Build a team One of the biggest myths about starting a business is thinking that you've got to do it alone. But you can't create a great business without help. Using your business blueprint as a guide, you'll need to put together the following three teams: Professional Advisors: These are the professionals who will advise you on the basics of starting a business such as whether to incorporate; what type of insurance coverage to obtain; and where to work. These professionals will include an accountant, an insurance agent, and possibly a lawyer or real estate broker. Make sure you get recommendations from other small business owners before you hire these experts. Informal "Board of Directors": This is a group of unpaid advisors, often made up of friends and acquaintances with business expertise, who will mentor you as you're finding your way in the business world. Don't be shy about asking for their advice. You'll be surprised at how many people are willing to help, if you only ask. Your Own Staff: This is the team who will work with you on a daily basis to help you build your business. If you're not ready for full-time employees, think about adding college interns or part-time employees. Don't make the mistake of trying to do everything yourself. Instead focus on the key activities that will give you the biggest return. Your business will grow twice as fast. 5. Surround Yourself With Positive People It's not enough to simply follow the four steps listed above, you must believe in yourself. There will be many times when you'll question yourself, wondering whether you're doing the right thing. That's why it's essential to surround yourself with positive people. Negative people encourage self-doubt. They drain your time and energy, and undermine your ambitions. Negative people come in many guises, from those who don't want you to get ahead to others who see the downside of every situation. And they are everywhere. Some may even be family and friends. Try not to share your business dreams with them. Instead, share your ideas with people who are supportive. Positive people will help you build your business. Seek them out for counsel and advice.

Wednesday 1 September 2021

How to Make Serious Money

The US economy is powered by the joint forces of 25 million small businesses. Over half of these enterprises are home based and they provide much needed services to their local community. The reason why entrepreneurs start a business is as varied as the types of different businesses that they choose. People start their own business as they are often tired of their current job. Many of them know that they can make more money working for themselves. Often they are looking for a new challenge, a different business field to explore or a way to change their lifestyle. Entrepreneurs come from all walks of life. Some of them are members of minority groups, who have a hard time finding regular jobs in the traditional workplace. Some people, like senior citizens often look for part time employment opportunities to supplement their current income. Many people also start a business because they are passionate about something and have a burning desire to share their products with the world. While the motivations to start a business vary a lot, the business goals of most Entrepreneurs are surprisingly similar. Most self employed business owners simply want to create their own job and their own income. This gives them more control over the money flowing into their lives- during good times and just as much during a Recession. Millions of Entrepreneurs have succeeded and they have done it with small budgets and by resisting the urge to expand beyond their limits. One of the proven strategies to succeed in small business ventures is to keep the business expenses as low as possible. This is achieved by closely watching all expenses, like rent, utilities and advertising costs. But as the biggest expense is labor, it also means to keep the business size under control. Statistics show that 75% of businesses in the US are so small, that they don't even have any employees at all! They operate out of their home to keep the overhead low and are able to scale their operation to a perfect size to meet their financial needs. In this article I would like to present a business idea to you, that excels in all of these aspects: The Mobile Food business! It is a small, scaled down version of a restaurant that can serve hundreds of people per day. It is very flexible, has high profit margins, is based on a proven concept and can be easily managed by one person. sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 sagame365 The profits of most small food businesses are rising- even as the recession is showing its effects on our nation! While price-conscious consumers turn away from conventional restaurants, they are taking more meals back home. Many households like to go all out on convenience foods that offer a good bang for the buck: large buckets of fried chicken, Bar-B-Q Family Feasts or even pizzas that now come in packs of four. Creatively designed coupons give suggestions like: "Buy two and get two free" or "Free Soda with all family meals"... Food vendors are getting creative with their marketing offers and by they have a solid track record of record sales. They offer everything from gourmet coffees to wood-oven baked pizzas, Sushi, Wraps and even Lobster dinners. Mobile food restaurants are on a roll as they keep up with the trend of the time. More than that- they are bold enough to define some trends themselves, by catering towards a certain lifestyle. The ever young and active family, that lives a life on the go and never quite seems to have time... While many businesses struggle for survival, most food businesses managed to pull through and seem to enjoy a new surge in popularity. But what is it exactly that makes the mobile food business succeed when others fail? After all, any good business opportunity has to stand up to close inspection to be considered a valid option. I will share my own observations here with you, so you can understand the potential of the mobile food business. Here are eight reasons why you should consider looking further into starting a home based concession trailer business: 1. A good business has to make sense In the real world, the only businesses that thrive and survive are the ones that fulfill a basic need and that offer real solutions. In a mobile food business, it is very easy to see, where the money comes from and how the profits are made. It is easy to understand why people exchange the value of money for a food or drink item. You might know of some locations that have an unrealized potential that you can fulfill and take home the profits at the same time. 2. A good business should show profits The mobile food business has a daily stream of customers that pay mostly in cash money. The profits are instant and can be realized the very first day of business! After a while you will know exactly what income potential any location or event has. Weekdays have their own earning potential as well as weekend days. This is why some Mobile Food Business Operators choose to close their businesses on Mondays and Tuesdays rather than Saturdays and Sundays.

Tuesday 27 July 2021

Double-Digit Growth

Slow market growth leads to a great deal of uncertainty for business leaders. One thing that is certain is the need to find growth on the earnings line of your business. In the period of 2013 - 2015 the topic was topline growth. Our economy had been sluggish for long enough that we were all eager to get back to growth and a few critical sectors began to grow at an encouraging rate. Pent up demand was a source of optimism. Housing, one of the larger engines for overall economic growth was coming back at growth rates of 15-20%. Automotive had been recovering as well and companies started doubling-down on growth in their top line after several years of stagnation. Enjoying the rising tide is a good start, but growth only when the economy gives it to you isn't a recipe for long-term success. You are a genius on the rise and most blame external forces on the decline. Being well positioned for the economic lifts and lulls is critical, but outperforming the market is where your company stands out. wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas wallayavillas